Tag Archive for: Sort

Using your Will to Protect the Interests of your Child

Nothing in family life is more important than the safety, care, and well-being of a child. All parents know this, so why state the obvious? Because if parents are suddenly ‘taken away’ by misadventure, their children could be exposed to danger. And that’s why sound planning suggests that such contingencies should be part of a well-designed Will. We trust you will find what follows to be useful information.

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Chaotic despair or Crucial document? We all have the choice.

It is estimated that roughly half of Australia’s adult population does not have a Will. If true – and pundits declare it certainly is – many people, including children and other expectant beneficiaries, may well face chaos upon the death of a loved one. It is hard to fathom how responsible people could be so, well, irresponsible.

While at Now Sorted, we don’t give advice, we are pleased to work with people who work across the full spectrum of Estate and succession planning; this brief article introduces the Topdocs organisation, an online firm with offices in Melbourne and Sydney that helps resolve such critical issues.

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He faked it – She fixed it


One way we keep on top of client needs is to carefully listen to them. Every month or so we run Q-&-A sessions with clients and their friends. A key motivation is to keep our ears tuned for ideas and innovations to add useful functionality for all users. However, we frequently hear entertaining insights into how our software engages people. Here’s a recent example.


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From drudgery to delight


Two sensations arise when we get the urge to organise something personal: the first is the grudging acceptance that “Yes, I really need to get this done”; the second is the sense of pending drudgery that comes with the task.  Well, now, a third sensation has emerged: one of ‘delight’. It is not an exaggeration to state that the team at Now Sorted has made the job of organising so simple that dull drudgery is out … and diligent delight is in.

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Supreme Benefits of Being Organised + A Freebie

We live in an age of overload – and, wow, don’t we know it. Never have there been so many ways to distract our senses: news (including ‘fake news’) comes from countless sources; people we don’t even know alert us to ‘interesting and/or amusing’ videos designed to titillate eyes and ears. And yet, for every minute we are distracted, we fail to organise something of importance. Ridiculous isn’t it? So here are a few key points on the significant benefits of sorting ourselves out. Read more